Friday, December 5, 2008

The Report Card Blues

Hi Grade 9's!

I've had the opportunity to meet with all students who had 2 or more failing subjects in the hope of helping you improve for next term. Don't despair - the best lessons are learned from our biggest mistakes. The best news is that you have two more terms to make up your marks for the courses you failed in first term. Learn from those friends of yours that did well this term. Ask them how they study, how much time they spend on homework and what motivates them to do well. Better yet, study together and take advantage of the Home Work Club and Math Tutor Club. Anything worth having is worth working for. Can you honestly say that you have given your best effort this term? What can you do to improve?

If you've given your best effort and you're are still doing poorly on your courses, ask your teachers what they recommend or come by and chat with me. Maybe we can come up with a solution.

Remember, consistent effort will bring you to success!

Congratulations to those of you who made Honour Roll, Effort Honour Roll and the Prinicpal's List! Stop by my office for a treat. Let's celebrate . . .